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Of Signs and Stars

February 10th, 2025

Wondering what 2025 holds for you when it comes to sex, love, and connection? djenneba drammeh reveals what’s written in the stars.

Astrologically, 2025 is looking thorny and intense, marked with upheaval we’ll feel for generations as well as radical connection to see us through it. How will we balance the chaos of the world with the peace we dare to seek in our intimate lives?

Although no life topic is felt in a vacuum, and we can all expect a series of stops and starts to challenge us this year, here are the stories of connection through the stars, offered with the hope that they may help ground our interior worlds in the wake of great political and cultural uncertainty. Always remembering that we keep safe, there is still space to dream and love and build something beautiful together—even when the landscape looks ashen and crumbling. 

Our collective future can be the phoenix we’ve been waiting for, if only we dare to protect each other. Read ahead for your Feeld 2025 sex and intimacy horoscope, using your rising sign if you know it. Cheers to loving and f*cking a little harder this year.


For Aries, last year continued a micro-era of self-seeking and release. By now you know that making way for yourself requires some clearing. Maybe you let go of people pleasing—or people pleasers. Maybe you trimmed the edges of your life where excess began to feel more draining than indulgent. 

Whatever the case, all that tidying leads you to a divine slate in 2025, beckoning the kind of shift that only comes after deep personal revolution.  

Think back to Spring of 2017, 2009, even—what did a glow up mean to you, then? How did it feel? Just in time for your birthday, this year your allure is ramping up in ways you haven’t seen in almost ten years. The center of attention finds you here—maybe it’s a vibe, but maybe it's also a kindred spirit who wants what you’re selling.

Intimacy takes on a dreamier, more vulnerable tone, that may require emotional recalibration you’ve never had to play with before. That’s okay. It’s time to feel something new and weird, and like it anyway.


Taurus kicks off 2025 carefully detangling some communication kinks. Perhaps there’ll be a lot of tough conversations about how to have a tough conversation. You know more than anyone that there’s strength in both powering through and standing strong—and, a lot of the time, only space to choose one way forward. 2025 asks you to revisit the gnarly roots of your most frequent spats, in the interest of cultivating newly profound connections. 

The Taurus sex drive is fueled by a trickster spirit with the capacity to adapt and tend and shift again. A covert try-sexual, you can expect this year (and the next) to deliver ample opportunity to explore and discard, and explore again. There is no limit to the pleasure you’re able to give—the question is, how will it arrive to you? Newly rabid social connections in 2025 inspire a limitless capacity for erotic delights, with vibes like an exhibitionist streak or group play making a lot of points.


No stranger to a deep dive, Gemini is called by 2025 to burrow down into the foundations of connection. Outdated patterns you’ve followed pursuing sensual pleasures like sex or art hopefully got the boot in 2024, or are on their way out now—this year is about carving out space where playful exploration can break bread with profound emotional intimacy. With your own permission and discernment, you will learn firsthand all the ways the right connection can dazzle your spirit without sacrificing real security. 

2025 also encourages Gemini to co-explore pleasure-based projects with a partner (or several), across the creative-erotic spectrum. How about a play party? Or a guerilla art show? Collaborating with others, whether romantically or otherwise, strengthens the connective tissue already present in your life and resources you in a way you’d never anticipate needing. It’s nice to be supported, isn’t it? Let it happen. Do the things to allow it to happen.

You know more about duality than anyone. See how you thrive when your independence makes way for vulnerability.


In 2025, Cancer is reminded of the erotic interplay between creative and sexual expression. The first half of the year calls attention to your sexual power and the waters from which you source it. The autonomy you’ve spent a lifetime to date building beckons you to pause and probe. All these parts of you that pulse and throb and generate heat—what gets them activated? Why? What, if anything, have you precluded yourself from letting inspire you?

Think about what you can do to affirm how far you’ve come. Remember that if nothing else, you are here. From year-start to spring, mind-body connection is particularly highlighted, constructing a critical time to revel in the flesh and muscle that support you, and you alone. Endorphins are calling. And the glow up this summer is fire.

The texture of 2025, and maybe even your partners themselves, make a case for unorthodox methods of partnership, which is always delicious. We adore a bespoke connection. But avoid being bullied into any structure, traditional or unconventional, no matter whose idea it is.


A deep renaissance awaits Leo’s innermost world in 2025, with prompts to explore a psyche ripe with untapped sources of creative energy. Also, a lot of masturbation. A new eighteen-month arc emerges, perhaps only after slogging through a muck of puzzling enmeshment, and this time the theme is distant horizons

Relationships, and your pursuit of them, take on a more impish or devil-may-care color than is  familiar. The vibe? Move fast and break things. As with anything, be wary of over-indulgence—but have fun. A lot of it. 

The intense inclination for solo exploration could just as easily manifest as excessive self-play or fantasy and rumination. Allow yourself to drift, if only because it’ll be impossible not to. Discover how long you can afford to set that leash; simply existing within an interior experience can be so restorative. 

Your relationships take on a youthful spirit that may present literally, like dating someone who has or works with kids. The learning curve on the new vibes here runs steep, but, the vibes themselves? The vibes are fun.


In 2025, Virgo's erotic life blooms in curious ways. Maybe your next lover is lurking somewhere within your wider social network, or maybe the beautiful spirit you’re already with finally meets that long deserved glow up. Quite possibly, you stumble into someone new with the sway, smarts, and social currency to push your dreams along to fruition.

You’re ending an eighteen-month arc where your hunger for closeness that goes bone-deep gets to relax and smooth itself out a bit. But patterns are hard to break. Unless the conditions with romantic candidates are truly primed for deep dark intimacy—the kind that feels otherworldly or forbidden—you might not want to bother at all. That’s perfectly fine! You know what you need better than anyone, but take special care to listen to the voice from the very core of your cravings. What does it feed on? If it’s kindling for the underworld’s fireplace, maybe don’t serve it sunflowers. You’ll know who to get dark and twisty with when you see it.


Thank Venus! In 2025, Libra finds a well-earned break from the constant hunger for connection. The first stretch of the year offers a do-over in your efforts to rewrite long-held narratives around service. This season might be the one that sharpens your edges. 

As summer rolls in, compelling tensions ramp up in your love life: a dance between chaos and structure, fun and severity, independence and entanglement. But relationships take on a wilder edge, with a sex life that leans far more daring and lively than usual. There is a celebration of choice, along with the freedom to change your mind. Consider all that you have in common with the signs that bookend you: Why is it that Libra season melts into Scorpio season so seamlessly? Your shadows are your superpower, see what opens up for you when you bring them a little closer to the surface.

Like a whirlwind, a new romantic pursuit may burst on the scene, youthful and untamed—or existing dynamics with lovers might shift unexpectedly and dramatically. Passion is good. Sanity is better. Be mindful of where you’re picking up the slack, you deserve a freewheeling good time too.


2025 for Scorpio wraps up an arc of disruption that’s been running since 2018. Think: In what ways have my partnerships experienced seismic shifts over the past six years? What circumstances challenged me to dream at this time? How has love radicalized my spirit?

As the year unfolds, a sense of expansive curiosity swells as well, offering opportunities to explore desires you may otherwise keep close to the chest. There’s a whole world out there and it misses you. Ever been flown out? Don’t be surprised if a new interest has plans to whisk you away somewhere magical, all because they know you deserve it, all because they want those once-in-a-lifetime moments with you. Follow the spirit. If a trip with your pals leads you to a rendezvous with your next long distance partner, so be it. Explore new horizons with someone you’ve already decided you’d follow anywhere.

2025 is your year for going far, and maybe even staying there. That’s time well spent, especially with the right people.


2025 sends Sagittarius straight to horny jail. Kidding! Well, sort of. 

After a year of gingerly moving through partnership, and maybe even feeling like you’ve been given two left feet, 2025 re-cobbles your path to lead you toward some slow burn transformation. Intimacy takes on a lush, almost dark magnetic quality, so enthralling in its pull that it feels impossible to walk away. This seduction can consume you whole.

You can expect trysts that blur the line between thrilling and overwhelming, pulling you into depths difficult to anticipate without first traveling to the underworld itself. Shared fantasies become more murky and opaque, as they bleed into the raw undercurrents of your romantic bonds. Check in with yourself often: Am I surrendering to intimacy that enriches my soul, or am I abandoning myself to satisfy a carnal itch? There’s no reward here without risk, but stay safe. Choose people worthy of peeking at your blueprints. 


2025 for Capricorn is a ride. Often, in the most literal sense! It’s the small, shared moments that truly get the blood pumping this year. Think late-night talks; spontaneous day trips and night rides; the deep peace of being with someone who just gets you. Explore the bridges that link you to your people, see what supports the connection and what’s in need of repair. Maintenance is always time well spent.

Ever discerning, for Capricorn sparks ricochet when you dare to let your guard down and share your inner world this year. You’ll know the green light when you see it. As summer heats up, so will your most impactful relationships, bringing opportunities for deeper trust, passion, and relief. 

Someone’s coming to make your life easier! If they’re already here, they’re gearing to step up. Say yes to the vibes. This kind of favorable energy, pure as it is, is rare


2025 poses some heady questions for Aquarius: What do we owe each other? And how do we meet in the middle without losing ourselves? 

It’s a banner year for bold explorations across your sensual life and partnerships, where well-deserved reckonings provide context for your emotional world. This is your chance to wipe the slate clean and create spaces—both literal and metaphorical—that meet you where you’re at. Maybe it’s a sex room renovation. But maybe it’s just a poetry club. Wherever you go, and whoever is there, it’s important to remain accountable to the dynamics you foster, especially if they’re predicated on some level of enmeshment.

The sex vibe for Aquarius this year? Liberation on full blast. A fiery revolution is around the corner, ready to upend your ideas of creative expression, nudging you to throw out the rulebook entirely. Eclipses through the year supercharge raw connection for you, cracking open new levels of intimacy. Be careful! This game comes with stakes. What do we owe each other, and ourselves, when inviting a guest on a joyride to the soul?


2025 is delicious and weird, Pisces. Just how you like it.

This year throws out the scripts in your intimacy playbook and writes some (okay, many) new ones—there’s gonna be a whole lot of people, places, and things that need to go. There’s simply no space! We are at capacity! Clinging to patterns that don’t serve your heart (or libido) is very 2024. You’re past that.

Get ready to rewrite your story. The energy around you is electric with curiosity, imploring you to investigate your every side and find something new. Playful experimentation unlocks desires and new depths of connection are met with vulnerability and a shared sense of adventure. Talk about a makeover—you can’t buy this kind of transformation. For the next year and a half, you’re evolving before your own eyes, becoming a grander version of you. 

As you clear the clutter and embrace the sparkle, the daring, and the new, your sex life becomes a vibrant, empowering landscape. It’s your year to let desires run wild and claim pleasure like it’s your birthright, because it is.

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