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Feeld is free to download and use, but for those who want more from their membership, there is a premium option. Majestic unlocks exciting extra features while also supporting Feeld's growth and development.


Get the most out of Majestic

See Who Likes You

Go Incognito, share on your terms

Find who and what you're looking for

Show your interest with Unlimited Likes, Pings and more

Not your average dating app

Wondering what makes Feeld different? It's not just about finding matches but also exploring who you are and what connection means to you. Discover the philosophies, stories and values that set us apart from other apps.

Real experiences from our amazing members at Feeld


It's good to be curious...

How much does Feeld Majestic cost?

What does Majestic on Feeld mean?

What does the red 'M' mean on Feeld?

Is paying for Feeld worth it?

Does Feeld work if you don't pay?


All you need to know, in one place.

Still got questions? Our Help Center has the answers - whether it's about Majestic, account settings, FAQs, or just making the most of Feeld.