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Introducing new cores: Staying at Home, Remote Trios and Fantasy Bunker

November 2nd, 2023

Join our new virtual locations to connect with humans from all over the world.

Sext and Save Lives

Dating may be cancelled but our libidos are not taking a day off. In light of the self-isolation and social distancing requirements necessary to curb the spread of Covid-19, we have been working on ways to continue enabling our community to explore their desires without endangering themselves and others.

Introducing our new virtual locations: Staying at Home, Remote Trios and Fantasy Bunker. Since its release on Wednesday 18 March, the Staying at Home core has become our most popular location surpassing London and New York, while the Fantasy Bunker and Remote Trios have grown tenfold, with members joining from 70+ countries. Not sure which one to try?

Staying at Home

Join if: you want to connect with self-isolating humans from around the world 🌎

Expect: a truly global virtual location for romance, friendly and even platonic connections

Remote Trios

Join if: you feel that three's company and staying in doesn't mean playing house 🏠

Expect: a dedicated space for couples and singles looking to play together

Fantasy Bunker

Join if: you want to skip the small talk đź‘„

Expect: more reasons to wash your hands. #SextandSaveLives.

How to join? 

Joining a core is easy, just go to the profile menu → Search Settings → Feeld Core Location. All three of our new cores are free to use indefinitely and available to all Feeld members. 


If you're new to Feeld and our cores, here are some tips on how to make the most of it:

  • Location: Don't hesitate to mention in your profile where you're currently based. It could be a conversation starter. 
  • Interests and Desires: To break the ice and cut through distances, update your Interests and Desires. You may have more in common than you know with a new digital playmate; use this opportunity to share something more than pixels.
  • Group Chats: Want to interact with more than one human? Keep the action going by adding your Connections to a group chat in the app. You can do that with every Connection by opening the chat and clicking on the three dots on the top right corner.
  • Expiring Photos: If you're joining the Fantasy Bunker core and want to skip the small talk, you can send expiring photos to your Connections. Use this as a reminder to be bold and play nice.

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