Everything you need to know about the latest Feeld update
Here's the spot for all the news and details on keeping our community connected.
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How do you connect while protecting your privacy?
Want to keep your sexual preferences and dating life private? This is where Incognito mode comes in. As long as you have a Majestic membership, you can activate Incognito mode at any time by going into your Profile settings and scrolling down to the Privacy settings options, where the Incognito option is in orange.
How it works depends on whether you’ve linked your Feeld profile with your Facebook account when you first signed up.
Your Facebook friends will not see your profile on Feeld. If your friends on Feeld do not have Incognito enabled, then you may see them on your Discover first. If you Like them, they will be able to see you on Discover and in their Who Likes You screen if they're Majestic Members. If you both have Incognito enabled, then you will never see each other on Feeld.
Feeld members who are connected to Facebook but who are not your friends will be able to see your profile, and you will see theirs.
Feeld members who are not connected to Facebook will not see your profile on Feeld. (That way, your Facebook friends who use an email login still cannot see you.) However, you can still see email members on your Discover first. If you like them, they will be able to see you on Discover, and in their Who Likes You screen if they're Majestic Members.
Other Feeld members will not see you on Discover, but you will see them (unless they also have Incognito on).
If you like someone, your profile will become visible to them in their Discover, and in their Who Likes You screen if they're Majestic Members.
If you have linked a partner on the app, then your partner's profile will be hidden to the same people as yours is.
It’s worth noting that Incognito mode may reduce the potential Connections you can make, because you will never see other members who also have Incognito mode enabled. What matters most is that you feel comfortable to browse and use the app in a way that feels secure to you. And you can always turn it off if you feel comfortable further down the line.
Here's the spot for all the news and details on keeping our community connected.
Safety is our priority. Learn more about how we’ve updated our Location feature to protect your privacy.